Wednesday 20 July 2011

I really don't know what to write about so i'm letting you guys decide comment below on something and i'll give my honest opinion on it.

~ Zaynab/twilight118 


  1. I think you should write about other people, and give your honest opinion on some of the APG'ers, like have one writer have that opinion, the other just do fashion, and then another one do rumors and gossip about other clubs, and then the last one can have what's hot and what's not right now in Stardoll, and keep us updated about what's going on and stuff.

  2. ^
    That's sorta what were doing one person is doing gossip/opinions and the rest are doing fashion and what we think about stuff. And anyone can do whats hot and not and whats going on but thats cause Melodys awesome and letting us write what we wanna.
