Tuesday 26 July 2011

OC update

Right so here's a update on the drama happening around OC.

As you guys probably know OC was under inspection by Stardoll earlier on. This was because a member LavenderLuva stripped on cam in tinychat with old men watching and apparently the viewer number reached 60. She than posted the link in OC and loads of people decided to report the club because like you guys probably know the link got sent to loads of different clubs also some parents of OC'ers found out and decided to call the cops as she was underage and it was on a website for young girls. I tried looking for her on stardoll but it said 'this page doesn't exist' so i'm guessing she got deleted since this probably hasn't happen before. When it was gone OC'ers decided to go to different clubs some came to APG and they weren't welcomed very warmly as you would expect with people telling them to get lost because that's what they said when we went to OC after APG had been deleted.Oc'ers thought they were screwed as they were breaking loads of rules like no swearing as because of all the inappropriate behavior that goes on there and what they mention like all the rude shit.Someone in APG earlier on said one of the top stories was 'My life as a vagina'.Classy.Well as you can see loads of people were doubting that OC was going to pass and now everyone is saying it hasn't as you would have thought i mean all the stuff they were doing.

They were pretty lucky though '.honey.' made a new 'originalclub' and loads of people were posting 'everyone is in it' so I'm thinking everyone re-joined instead of going to different clubs or quitting stardoll so that's pretty good for them that didn't happen with APG. I'v been to this club and the owner says it's temporary since OC wasn't deleted so everyone should ask for old OC back by contacting stardoll everyone's saying yes but she's a better owner than Robin.

 ♥Comment below♥


1 comment:

  1. Maybe she is a better owner but for how long?
    In rarely works out well when the owner is a member, it's going to be easier when robin`s the owner again.
